Laura Rodríguez Vaquero

Laura Rodríguez Vaquero

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MarketiNet, a company with zero net carbon emissions

Laura Rodríguez Vaquero. November 30, 2023

Climate change is a reality that already affects us all and will alter our environment if we do not take urgent and committed measures at all levels to stop it. At MarketiNet, we are aware that big changes begin with small individual actions and we want to contribute doing our bit.

Topic: Marketing Digital

Integrate your HubSpot CRM with your online store

Laura Rodríguez Vaquero. August 10, 2023

The boom in online shopping and digital processes accelerated digital transformation in all types of companies, increasing competition and making clear the need for a qualified sales team to transform a potential customer into a final customer. Differentiation from the competition becomes a key and determining factor for the sale, although it is also decisive to know in depth the needs of our potential client and provide them with the solutions they need.


Topic: Hubspot

Strategic Inbound Marketing Consulting in HubSpot | Mambu

Laura Rodríguez Vaquero. July 18, 2022

At MarketiNet we worked with Mambu on their Inbound Marketing strategy with the aim of improving the lead acquisition process for the entire market of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Topic: Projects

Web Development with Hubspot | ManpowerGroup

Laura Rodríguez Vaquero. July 18, 2022


ManpowerGroup, a leading multinational company in talent strategy, trusted us to create their new website "Future of work" which was developed with Hubspot, an Inbound Marketing and Marketing Automation tool.

Topic: Projects