Marketing GPT, the new addition to Salesforce

Many professionals turn to the well-known GPT Chat to complement their work and become more efficient in their tasks, as these types of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are meant to help us, not replace us.


That’s why, last June, Salesforce launched Marketing GPT, a technology that incorporates AI into the marketing platform. It is part of Salesforce Customer 360 and is available in the sales, service and commerce sections, as well as in Data Cloud, Tableau, Slack and MuleSoft. Are you ready to discover its possibilities?


Marketing GPT, the new addition to Salesforce


Functionalities of Marketing GPT

Marketing GPT allows you to unlock new functionalities in order to develop a strategy much more tailored to the profile of our customers. Such as, for example:


  • Content creation: this tool will allow you to improve your campaigns and content, thanks to the creativities that it offers you based on the guidelines that you propose: from the design of content to the reports, through the segments; which will allow you to save a lot of time.

    • Creation of email content: it is able to create the messages in the body of your email, adjust to the tone of your usual communications, add personalisations, generate the subjects of your email…
    • Segment creation: Marketers have the ability to build audience segments and define the audience they want to target using natural language instructions (NLP) through data stored in the cloud. In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) helps them generate insightful categories, which provide personalised suggestions to increase campaign engagement. This process optimises the performance of activities and accelerates the realisation of audience divisions.
    • Personalisation: in addition to adjusting the message to our target as mentioned above, it is also capable of adjusting the sending to the most appropriate time and mode thanks to ‘Rapid Identity Resolution, Segmentation and Engagement’. This automatically resolves customer identities and updates segments in the Data Cloud.

  • More user-friendly interface: this benefit makes it easier for you to answer your customers’ complex technical questions about the platform.

  • Quality content: Salesforce wants to ensure that the information it provides you with is honest, secure and accurate.

  • Partnership with Google Cloud Platform: Salesforce assumes that customers may have data on external systems and provides ways to transfer data securely both inside and outside the Salesforce platform. As such, a partnership with Google Cloud Platforms has been created, allowing users to extract data and extended language models (LLMs) from Google to understand what is happening in Salesforce CRM.

  • Segment Intelligence for the Data Cloud: helps improve ROI by automatically connecting source data, revenue and third-party paid media information for a more complete view of customer engagement. 


Empower your campaigns with the possibilities of AI


We can conclude that Marketing GPT is a very powerful and accessible tool that allows us to add AI to our campaigns, thus providing creativity, personalisation options, workflows and quality strategies, freeing up resources and speeding up personalisation. This tool also allows content creation to become a fast and scalable task.

If your company regularly burdens the marketing team with daily tasks, leaving aside the more strategic issues, this tool will help you to free up marketing professionals to improve their efficiency by saving time and resources.





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